Buildings & Urban Development

In the building sector, CETA has carried out several projects, we work on both reinforced concrete structures and metal structures using high-performance calculation and drawing resources, both for the representation of formwork and for that of reinforcement.

In the field of urban development, our services cover preliminary studies, project management, operation management and assistance in the project management of urban development.

CETA - Etudes architecturales et techniques détaillées, dans le cadre du Projet d’Extension de l’Institut National Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques d’Abéché

Detailed architectural and technical studies, within the framework of the Extension Project of the National Higher Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Abéché

CETA - Etude du VRD du lotissement au centre urbain Abi Dhief Siliana

Study of the VRD of the subdivision in the urban center Abi Dhief Siliana

CETA - Etude d’extension du bâtiment administratif de la gare de Tunis ville

Extension study of the administrative building of the Tunis city station

CETA - Etude des VRD de la ville de Tiji en Libye

Study of the VRD of the city of Tiji in Libya

CETA - Construction d’un dépôt d’entretien et de remisage des bus à El Bokri

Construction of a bus maintenance and storage depot in El Bokri

CETA - Etude de l’extension du nouveau siège de la Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT)

Study of the extension of the new headquarters of the International Arab Bank of Tunisia (BIAT)

CETA - Etude d’exécution de divers ouvrages du projet d’extension de la centrale à cycle combinée de Sousse

Execution study of various works of the Sousse combined cycle power plant extension project

CETA - Aménagement des infrastructures de 3 villes en Libye

Development of infrastructure in 3 cities in Libya