
Protection against flooding of the roads of Raoued and Jaafar

Several towns in the greater part of the city, and more particularly the governorate of Ariana, frequently have to contend with flooding because of their geographical location at the foothills of the mountains and the narrowing of the sections of the rivers following illegal human intervention.

The mission entrusted to CETA consists of the detailed technical study of the various hydrological and hydraulic entities affecting the roads classified RL190 passing through the delegation of Mnihla and RL533 crossing the delegation of Raoued in order to protect them against flooding.

The studies include the diagnosis of the current situation of the project area with regard to flooding, the hydrological and hydraulic study, the research and evaluation of possible development variants and the detailed technical study of the variant selected.

Services performed

Preliminary design Studies: APS, APD and DAO




CRDA Ariana
