
Landing and parking infrastructure for artisanal and coastal fishing units in Mauritania

In Mauritania, artisanal and coastal fishing has considerable assets including a large area of intervention 720 km long, an exclusive non-trawlable coastal fishing area with an accessible fishing potential estimated at over 500,000 tons per year and a artisanal and coastal park of around 4,100 units including 4,022 artisanal boats (2008 figures).

Despite these advantages, landings would only be 80,000 tons per year for a declared catch potential of 750,000 tons and an estimated workforce of 12,000 artisanal fishermen (2008 figures).

The weakness of the landing and processing infrastructure seems to be one of the main constraints to the sustainable development (environmental, economic and social) of this buoyant sub-sector.

It is within this framework that the mission entrusted to CETA falls within the scope of the realization of a technical, economic, environmental, social and legal feasibility study of a set of unloading and parking facilities for the units, artisanal and coastal fishing, at the sites identified by the Client.

Four sites were studied within the framework of this project:

Site 1: Nouakchott Fish Market, known as "NKC Fisherman's Beach"
Site 2: Pier at PK 93 (Gweichichi)
Site 3: Pier at PK 144 (Boutreiviya)
Site 4: Ndiago village

Services performed

Technical, economic, environmental, social and legal feasibility studies




Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy
Department of Artisanal and Coastal 
